Political Science-[FPSC-U.S A. CSS]-(USA) Political Science Pakistan Constitution Set-Political Science Al-(USA) Political Science Liberalism Set-USA) Political Science Nature Theories and State Function Set-Political Science Sovereignty Of State Set-Political Science Constitution and Constitutional Government Set-USA Political Science U.S.S.R Constitution Set-(USA) Political Science Origin Of State Set-Political Science Sovereignty Of State Set-(USA) Political Science Political Parties and Pressure Group. Set /2 Sample Test,Sample questions

  A liberal party believes in: 

1.Retaining the present institutions

2. Retaining the present institutions by new and radical institutions

3.Making reforms in the existing institutions

4.Conserving the old institutions

  All pressure groups are: 



3.Some are temporary while others are permanent

4.Formed for a fixed term

  In which of the following countries the pressure groups are not permitted to function? 




4.None of the above

  In which of the following countries two party system first of all originated? 





  Interest groups are: 

1.Purely political organisations

2.Purely military organisations

3.Purely economic organisations

4. Of universal character and include groups like business labour farm co-operatives church other professional groups etc.

  Multi-Party system means: 

1.Government is formed by all the political parties present in the country

2.There are number of political parties but the government is formed by that single party which secures largest number of seats

3.That the country has more than two political parties which aim at capturing power

4.There is one dominant party which keeps the other political parties under its umbrella

  Political parties are generally formed on the basis of: 

1.Religious principles

2.Common interests

3.Economic and political principles


  Political parties render great service to the poor people by: 

1.Taking up their cause with the government

2.Providing free legal assistance to needy persons

3.Providing them necessary funds to contest elections

4. All the above measures

  Which one of the following countries possesses a single-party system? 





  Which one of the following feature of pressure groups has been wrongly listed? 

1.The pressure groups try to promote the interests of its members

2.The pressure groups can be both temporary as well as permanent

3. The pressure groups generally do not have any poliitical alignment

4.None of the above

 A political party serves as important link between the legislature and: 

1.The people

2.The voters



 An interest group is converted into a pressure group when it: 

1.Resorts to use of military force

2.Exerts pressure on government to enact laws in the interest of its members

3.Resort to other than constitutional methods

4.Resorts to general strike and band

 Britain possesses: 

1.Single-Party system

2. Bi-party System

3.Multi-Party system

4.No party system

 Multi-Party system is found in: 





 One of the outstanding characteristics of one-party system is that: 

1.The people can easily influence the political decisions

2. Large number of people can be admitted as its members

3. Elections are free

4.Members have to abide by iron discipline of the party

 Political parties are indispensable in: 

1.A parliamentary system government

2.A presidential system of government

3.Monarchical system of government

4.Dictatorial regime

 Pressure goups differ from political parties in so far as: 

1.They contest elections

2.They have large membership

3.They pursue broader objectives

4.Their field of operation is very limited

 The officially recognised party of Soviet Union is known as: 

1.The Socialist Party

2.The Bolshevik Party

3.The Communist Party

4.The Revolutionary Party

 The political parties impart to the citizens: 

1.Political education

2.Political as well as legal education

3.Political as well as general education

4. No education

 Under a single party system the membership is: 

1.Open to all citizens

2.Given only to trusted workers

3.Compulsory for an

4.Given on hereditary basis

 Which one of the functions of the pressure groups given below has been wrongly listed? 

1.Pressure groups influence enactment of laws

2.Pressure groups help the administrative departments in the formulation of policy

3.Pressure groups provide funds to its members to contest elections

4.Pressure groups play an important role in bringing about political social and economic reforms

A conservative party anywhere would stand for: 

1.Private ownership

2.Public ownership

3.Mixed economy

4.Gradual nationalisation of means of production

A person can be member of: 

1.Only one pressure group at time

2. Any number of pressure groups at the same time

3.Not more than three pressure groups at a time

4.Either a pressure group or a political party

A political party has been defined as  an association organised in support of some principles or policy which by constitutional means endeavours to make the determinant of government  by:  





A pressure group is: 

1.A group formed to protect the interests of members of a group by contesting elections

2.A group of people which tries to capture power with the help of money

3.A group of people with common objectives which tries to promote the interests of its members by influencing the government policies

4.A military group which comes to the assistance of the state when the police force is unable to maintain law and order

A radical political party believes in: 

1.Maintaining old institutions

2.Maintaining present institutions with modifications

3.In doing away with the present institutions and replacing them with new ones

4.Bringing changes revolutionary methods

A totalitarian state has generally: 

1.Single party system

2.A bi-party system

3.A multi-party system

4.No political parties

Interest group means: 

1.A small group within a party which fights for the interests of members of its own category

2.Any small group which contests elections with the sale objective of protecting Interestsof Its members

3.A group of people who with the help of money try to secure control overgovernment

4.A group of people with common objectives which tries to influence the

Interest groups are found: 

1.Only in democratic countries

2. In capitalist society

3. Only in totalitarian countries

4.In all countries

One of the basic features of interest groups is: 

1.To promote national interest

2.To promote interest of its members

3.It has close alignment with politics

4.They are found only in communist countries

One of the chief merits of multi-party system: 

1. It leads to formation of stable governments

2.Change in government is very convenient

3. It is convenient for the voters to clect their representatives

4.People have wider choice in the selection of their representatives

One of the major defects of pressure groups is: 

1.They exercise undue pressure on the government with the help of majority at their disposal

2.They try to promote the interests of their membes at the cost of the common people

3.They try to influence the public opinion

4.They interfere in the formulation of government policy

One-Party system is found in: 




4.West Germany

One-Party system is generally found in: 

1.Democratic countries

2.Countries with monarchy

3.Totalitarian states

4.Can exist in any country

One-party system means: 

1.There is one dominant party while the other parties occupy an insignificant position

2.There may be number of political parties but the government is formed by only one party viz. the party securing maximum of votes

3.There is only one political party and no other political party is permitted to come into existence

4.None of the above things

Parties are inevitable. No free country has been without them . The above statement was made by: 

1.Herman Finel

2.Lord Bryce

3.Harold J.Laski


Political Parties are indispensable for the successful working of: 



3.Both democracy and dictatorship

4.None of the above

Political parties are undermocratic in so far as: 

1.They try to contest elections and capture power

2.They criticise the policies of the government

3.They try to implement their programme once they come into power

4.They do not permit their members to express their views independently

Political parties contribute to the proper working of parliamentary government by: 

1.Assisting poor candidates with financer to contest the election

2.By providing organised majority to back the Council of minsters

3.By maintaining peace in the country

4.By educating the public about the variour problems facing the country

Political parties have been described as power behind the throne by: 

1.Herman Finel




Pressure groups first of all originated in: 





Pressure groups first of all originated in: 





Spoils system  which one of the defects of paty system  means: 

1.Giving tickets for election to party supporters without due regard to their merit

2.Allocation of offices to the people from the locality even though they do not deserve the same on merit

3.Distribution of jobs to the supporters of the party in power

4.None of the baove things

The chief defect of the multi-party system is: 

1.It leads to cabinet dictatorship

2. People have very limited choice in the selection of their representatives

3.The opposition cannot freely criticise the policies of the government

4.It leads to frequent constitutional crisis

The function of associational pressure groups is to: 

1.Articulate the demands

2.Aggregate the demands

3.Regulate the demands

4.Communicate the demands

The means of the two major political parties in Britain are: 

1.Labour and Conservative

2.Labour and Liberal

3. Conservative and Socialists

4.Conservatives and Liberals

The political parties are generally formed on the basis of: 

1.Common interests

2. Common economic and political principles

3.Common group interests

4. All the above

The pressure groups are: 

1.Political organisations

2.Economic organisation

3.Organisations of universal character

4.Moral organisations

The Pressure groups try to achieve their objectives through: 

1.Violent methods

2.Persuasive methods

3.Agitational methods

4. All the above methods

The pressure groups try to promote the interests of their members by exerting pressure on: 

1.The legislature

2.The executive

3.The judiciary

4. All the above

The two major political parties of U.S.A. are 

1.Independent and Democratic

2.Republican and Democratic

3.Democratic and Socialist

4.Republican and Communist

Two-Party system is better because: 

1.It gives despotic powers to the Cabinet

2. It given an opportunity to the opposition party to indulge in an irresponsible criticism of government

3.It makes smooth changes in government possible

4.It leads to the formation coalition governments

Two-Party system is found in:  





Two-Party system means: 

1.There are only two political parties in the country

2.There are only two major political parties which share power

3.There is only one political party but its followers are divided into two parts those who form the government and those who form opposition

4.None of the above things

Where political parties are weak in principle and organisation  the pressure groups will flourish  where political parties are strong  pressure groups will be curbed . Who made the above observation? 



3.Herman Finer

4.Harold Laski

Which one of the following countries is associated with the Spoils System? 




4. All the above

Which one of the following demerits of political parties has been wrongly indicated? 

1.Political parties divide the people and disrupt national unity

2.Political parties break the rigidity of the separation of power

3.Political parties deny freedom of speech and expression to an individual and he becomes a mere cog in the party machinery

4.Political parties encourage political favouritism

Which one of the following functions is performed by political parties? 

1.They render help to poor people

2.They run hospitals

3.They manage newspapers

4.They assist candidates in contesting elections

Which one of the following is the most suitable expression of the role of pressure groups? 

1.They exercise undue pressure on politicians

2.They function mainly by bribing officials

3.They voice the interests of particular sections

4.They come into being to agitate and then go into liquidation

Which one of the following merits of political parties has been wrongly listed? 

1.Political parties impart political education to people

2.Political parties eliminate nepotism and favouritism

3.Political parties are essential for the successful working of Cabinet system of government

4.Political Parties check nepotism

Who described political parties as power behind the throne?


2.Lord Bryce


4.Herman Finer

Who describes the Pressure groups as the Third House of the Legislature? 



3.G.D.H. Code



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  63. (USA) Political Science Origin Of State Set-4
  64. (USA) Political Science Electorate and Representation Set-1
  65. (USA) Political Science Electorate and Representation Set-2
  66. (USA) Political Science Equality
  67. (USA) Political Science Political Parties and Pressure Group Set-1
  68. (USA) Political Science Political Parties and Pressure Group. Set -2
  69. Political Science Constitution and Constitutional Government Set-1
  70. Political Science Constitution and Constitutional Government Set-2
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  78. USA Political Science U.S.S.R Constitution Set-3
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  85. Indian Polity & Constitution MCQs Part 1
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